Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pisa, Versilia, and Lucca!

So I've been MIA for a few day, but that's because I had an incredible weekend. This was our first excursion weekend through API and it couldn't have gone better. We left early Saturday morning and arrived in Pisa and saw the leaning tower of course and not to hate on Pisa, but besides the tower that's about all there really was to see in Pisa, but we had a blast taking pictures of the tower. You can tell we took pictures from the wrong side of the tower, because lets face it in all of my pictures its really not leaning...

After a quick trip to Pisa we hit the beach in Versilia a quaint little beach town filled with beach bars, not of which actually have strawberry daiquiris (trust me we went to EVERY bar). After Versilia we spent the night in Lucca an even cuter city where we had an amazing million course dinner and spent sometime in the city center having Mojitos and talking to a vespa gang that tours the country on vintage scooters. Not only were they awesome, but they managed to get one of the scooters into the bar we were having drinks at!

There's also an adorable carousel in the center of the city, which we may or may not have jumped on (for future reference it costs a euro to ride, due to the language barrier we definitely thought it was free.)

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