Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Buon Compleanno!

I've spent the last two days cooking a ton in class. We made ..... and learned a TON about olive oil which I will bore you with in another post because today something much more important is going on, its the birthday of two very important people! Wishing both my Mom and Aunt Annette an amazing birthday and many more to come! 7 years ago both of them took a dream trip to Italy for their birthdays and my Mom sent me a post card from their travels. I found this before I left and felt like now was the perfect time to show her!

"I hope you get to Italy by your 50th B'day"

The Rome snow globe she brought me back fell off my shelf and broke the day I decided I was studying abroad in Italy, coincidence? Anyways, thank you both for all the amazing things you do and I wish I was home to celebrate! See you both soon and sending tons of love and best wishes your way! And thanks for letting me live my dream and see Italy before my 50th! Love and miss you both!

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