Monday, September 2, 2013

First Day of School!

So after all this talk about drinking, eating, a failed attempt at running, and how beautiful it is here you might be asking yourself, isn't she here for school? So here you go this is my first and hopefully not the last post about class. So what challenging Italian course did I have today? Pairing food and wine! Now back home everyone knows the first day of class is reserved for a cute outfit and a quick run through of the syllabus, pretty great right? Well Italy has managed to beat us once again. First day of class I had some amazing pasta "Cucina Povera" style or poor people cuisine. Which was honestly the best thing ever (yes I know I say this about everything, but its true!). They use bread crumbs instead of grated cheese which gives the pasta an awesome texture and is helpful for those of us who struggle in the diary department. Even better I had a glass of Rose to go with it. Sounds amazing, but during a normal class we'll have three courses paired with three glasses of wine. Another note on the Italian culture besides the fact that neon running shoes are totally taboo is that they literally grocery shop everyday, even sometimes twice a day for bread. And someone threw grapes at me today, I have no idea what it means, but it happened! No pictures today, but I'll let that image of the grape throwing guy linger in your minds a litter longer.

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