Sunday, November 17, 2013

Back to Boboli!

So after seeing Siena we spend the next day seeing the sights around Florence, and I decided to take my parents to see the Boboli Gardens as well as the Piti Palace! Before we went to the gardens we took a quick trip to the Mercato Centrale! This indoor market was built with huge glass windows and skylights to give the feeling you were shopping outdoors. This market offers the best quality and freshest food in all of Florence and has everything from dried fruits to tripe!

We grabbed some meats, cheeses, fresh fruit, and the best Nutella muffin and headed over the Ponte Vecchio for a picnic in the gardens. We also grabbed some local wine at a street stand on the way!

After an afternoon of exploring the garden, we went into the Pitti Palace to visit the Galleria del Costume, Museo delle Porcellane, and Baroque Ivories Exhibit in the Museo degli Argenti!

More perfect weather and another perfect day!

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