Sunday, November 17, 2013

Seeing Siena!

On the second day of my family visiting we got ambitious and decided to take a day trip to Siena. We spent the day roaming around this medieval Tuscan city and took advantage of the perfect weather! We started the day exploring the center of town, Piazza del Campo, which hosts a huge horse race twice a year!

In the Piazza del Campo we saw The Fonte Gaia!

We also took a look at the Duomo of Siena and the Palazzo Pubblico!

Siena was an amazing place to spend a day with amazing weather. The rolling hills of the city were gorgeous and everywhere you went was another spectacular view!

We ended our day trip to Siena by visting San Domenico, construction started on this cathedral in the early 1200s. The unique part about this church is the chapel that was constructed inside and dedicated to St. Catherine. 

They built this cathedral to house her preserved head, and you bet it was on display! It definitely made the trip to Siena a memorable one! After making a million head jokes we headed back to Florence an ended the night with some wine and a trip to Gusta Pizza, just over the Ponte Vecchio, for some of the best pizza in Florence! We also took our first family trip to Gilli, an amazing historic cafe and one of my favorite places in Florence! 

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