Monday, November 25, 2013

Out at the Opera!

So Tuesday night I did something really Italian and saw my very first Opera, all in Italian of course! We meet at Piazza della Repubblica to see the opera L'eslisir d'amore!

 I was expecting poofy dresses and a classical opera, but my experience was much different. This opera written in the early 1800s and is a story about a poor peasant falling in love with a beautiful wealthy girl and using a love potion to get her attention. Sadly I got most of this information from synopsis online because an opera all in Italian is much harder to understand that I thought! Despite how long ago the opera was written, it was performed in modern costumes in a totally modern setting!.

The opera lasted a little over two hours and reminded me a lot of Romeo and Juliet minus all the dying. Although there isn't too much to say about the opera because I didn't understand most of it, it was definitely a cultural experience, and made me feel like a true Florentine!

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