Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Home Sweet Home!

After two flights, a three hour layover in the Munich airport, and some serious jetlag I'm here! Florence is absolutely gorgeous, every street, every building, every word is art in itself. I've been walking around for two days and I can't help, but look at everything. I had my very first glass of wine in a little cafe down the street from our hotel and it was life changing. We stayed in a beautiful hotel and of course I decided to charge my camera battery and totally left in my room  so no picture i took from my first day and night out, but we did have an incredible dinner on a roof top garden overlooking the duomo and I borrowed some pictures! The rest of the night was spent exploring the city!

Today we moved into our home for the next four months and it is so much more than I ever expected! A fully furnished three bedroom, three bathroom apartment in Florence with a kitchen so beautiful I could cry. The view from my bedroom window you can see below! It makes walking up three flights of stairs totally worth it!

And this is what a 3 Euro of wine looks like ;)

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